Magnetic lamp

Team members: Irfan,Terry,Hafiza,Linzhao

Applying what we learn throughout the entire elective courseof Digital Fabrication, we were to design something that has got to do with 3d printing, laser cutting and arduino programming. We then got our inspiration by a magnetic lamp we found on the internet.


The lamp will light up when the two magnets in the center hit. All to be lazer cut and the base inside supporting the battery to be 3d printed.

Hafiza came up with the idea of this magnetic lamp. With myself, Terry And her laser cutting, 3d printing, programming, soldering and putting it all together, Linzhao also help with the soldering and making of the presentation board and 1 min video of our product and its process.

Designing the base and the top portion on sketch up and then flatten it down on autocad to be in 2D to then be laser cut. auto batt

Putting it all together,we then came up with a product that looks like this on sketchup.


Here are some of the process photos of this product.


Base made to hide all wirings, switches and battery with a 3d printed piece inside. glue final batt batt

With the top portion also laser cut, led strips will run across. Covered with acrylic to give it a clean look.

no base strip no base aaa

Putting it all together with the string attached and the magnet, we successfully came up with our own version of the Magnetic Lamp.

money shot